Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Quizlet games we made

Today we made some games with quizlet.

First, Erika showed us an example. This was made by Alma and Kamó: http://quizlet.com/24052276/random-adjectives-flash-cards/

Then we made a set together. We made this: http://quizlet.com/24053570/verbs-flash-cards/

Then we got into two groups and we made these games:



We had a lot of fun.

If you want to make your own game, go to www.quizlet.com. Then use your email address and password to register. Then choose your favourite story. Finally, choose 10 words or expressions from the story to make the cards of the game.

Have fun! 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Incredible English Games for the Holiday


Click here to find lots and lots of fun games and stories and songs from our book. You will have plenty to play with during your winter holiday.

Have fun!


p.s. From that link you can also send E-cards to your friends, for example, for Christmas.


Ha erre a linkre klikkeltek, akkor rengeteg játékhoz, történethez és dalokhoz visz titeket. Lesz mivel játszani a téli szünidő alatt!

Jó szórakozást!


u.i. Arról a linkről még E-képeslapokat is lehet küldeni a barátaitoknak, például Karácsonyra.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Rap it to your family and friends


You wrote some wonderful rap songs of your own. You were very creative!

So here's the rap-tune below and now you can rap it at home to your family and friends.

Happy Santa Claus/Winter/Advent/Christmas rapping!


Csodálatos reppeket írtatok, és nagyon kreatívak voltatok!

Szóval, itt a rap dal alább, és most már itthon is elreppelhetitek a családnak és a barátoknak.

Boldog Mikulás/Tél/Advent/Karácsonyi reppelést!


We rapped one of the lovely poems written by Nellie Edge.

Here it goes! Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Nellie Edge aranyos kis versét reppeltük az alábbi videón.

Reméljük ti is élvezitek majd!